Monday, 22 May 2017

Over the sea ice to Shirley Is

Shirley Island is spearated from the Mitchell Peninsula by a narrow channel, on which the sea ice has managed to hold fast despite much of the ice in Newcomb Bay blowing out  several times already. A shortstroll out from Station and Mat, Zac, Watto and I were  exploring new terrain. My first sea ice stroll and much excitement in seeing my first Weddell seal.

Weddell Seal. photo: Jacque Comery
Weddell Seal Phto: Jacque Comery

Weddell Seal Photo: Jacque Comery

Sleepy Weddell. Photo: Jacque Comery

Sea ice on north side of Shirley Is.  Photo: Jacque Comery

Bergs to the north of Shirely. Photo: Jacque Comery

Wilson's Stom Petrels and Snow Petrels. Photo: Jacque Comery

Wilson's Storm Petrel. Photo: Jacque Comery

Wilson's Srorm Petrel. photo: Jacque Comery

Shirely Island. Photo: Jacque Comery

Bergs to the north. Photo: Jacque Comery

Early afternoon sun from Shirley. Photo: Jacque Comery

View to te north. Photo: Jacque Comery