Monday, 27 March 2017

Sometimes you just have to drop everything and watch the sunset...

The windows of our Mess face out towards the north onto Newcombe Bay.
The low sun angle lights up the bergs out to sea and the ice cliffs around the Bailey Peninsula until they  look like they are made of gold.
These colours change fast and are fleeting....
So no matter how delicious the meal.... sometimes you just need to run outside, and watch the painting of the ice by the evening sunlight unfold right in front of you.
That sunset only happens once... you don't get a second chance to go back and see it again.
Rather like life.
Be present. Live it. And soak up every moment.

{Thanks to my fellow expeditioner Simo, who captured me wondering around out there}

Sunset on the Casey helipad. Photo: S Jodrell

Watching the show. Photo: S Jodrell