Sunday, 9 April 2017

Sunday stroll around the Bailey Peninsula.

The blizzard that raged all Saturday night stopped abruptly early Sunday morning. We were presented with crystal clear skies and a view to the north..... of open water. 
Our burgeoning sea ice pack was gone. Dreams of sea ice travel anytime soon vanished.
After being unable to (or uninterested in) leaving the Red Shed during the blizzard travel restrictions yesterday, I was itching to depart the 'mothership' for a mini-hike, as a dear friend of mine would say, a photo mission, just a general stroll around. 
Mat, Adam and I deceided to grab our survival packs and set out on a 3-hour walk to the Shirley Island ice bridge and around the Bailey Peninsula.

Jacque overlooking O'Brien Bay with sea ice blown out. Photo: Adam Roberts
The landscape is so dynamic, and at every turn was evidence of the conditions of the past 24 hours and how it changes and sculpts the terrain. Swirling shapes in the snow pack, glowing blue ice stipped of its snow cover by the wind, the sound of the remains of the sea ice pack moving and creaking on the currents between the peninsula and Beall Island in O'Brien Bay. 

Bergs in the distance. Photo: Jacque Comery
Shirley Island sign post. Photo: Jacque Comery

Shirley Island at the ice bridge. Photo: Jacque Comery
As you walk every step has a musical quality. The packed snow squeaks and creaks beneath your feet. The micro spikes on your boots  ring and tinkle as the strike the ice underfoot, and frozen melt streams add a disconcerting crack and thud noise all at once as hollow pockets collapse and move under your weight. If you stop and listen you can hear your own heart beating, in between the huffing and puffing of your breaths in the cold air.
McMullin Island. Photo: Jacque Comery

Sculpted Snow. Photo: Jacque Comery

Rocky outcrop on the Bailey Peninsula. Photo: Jacque Comery

Crossing the frozen melt lake. Photo: Jacque Comery

Snow trapped in the ice. Photo: Jacque Comery

Bergs and blue ice. Photo: Jacque Comery

Mat and Adam. Photo: Jacque Comery

Beall Island. Photo: Jacque Comery

Ice scoured of snow cover by the blizzard. Photo: Jacque Comery

Shifting snow. Photo: Jacque Comery

Jacqueline, on the way home. Photo: Adam Roberts

View over Newcomb Bay on return to Casey. Photo: Jacque Comery